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It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver – Mahatna Gandhi

In Pinares, we deliver care in three settings:


1) We see patients at the Pinares clinic. In 2015, our clinic became affiliated with the Honduras Ministry of Health through a contract with Shoulder to Shoulder. As a result of this agreement, our community now has access to a nurse, health promoter, and medications.


2) Since 2008, we have been participating in the Child Health Initiative (CHI). During CHIs, we travel to all of the schools in our community 2-3 times each year and deliver a basket of evidence-based services to hundreds of kids. The services address nutrition, anemia, vision, oral health, micronutrient deficiencies (such as vitamin A and zinc), and parasite infections.


3) Finally, we do house calls, seeing patients too ill to come to our clinic.

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